Daily Archives: February 27, 2012

More Help for Boy with Brittle Bone Disease

Five years ago Sasha Krasakov came to Canada as a 12 year old boy with Brittle Bone disease.  At that time he was living his life in constant pain and his small body had suffered from the result of multiple fractures to many of his bones.  The Shriners of Brockville sponsored him and he was treated at the Shrine Hospital in Montreal where the world leaders in this disease practice.  At that time his treatment served to soften his bones and he has been living pain free ever since.

With the sponsorship of the Brockville Shriners for his medical visit and his living and local travel expenses covered by the Ross McNeil Foundation, Sasha returned last week for two days of testing at the Shrine Hospital.  Afterwards he returned to Brockville where he was hosted by CAC Treasurer Mike Waldron.  Here is a picture of Sasha and his Mom, Lena, along with Mike Waldron and our interpreter Iryna Makarevich.

After all he has been through Continue reading