Crisis Centre for Women and Children


Alcohol abuse has been a root of serious domestic violence and social problems in Eastern Europe for several decades. Canadian Aid for Chernobyl
has established the country’s first “Safe House” for women and children. We have successfully negotiated terms and conditions, responsibilities and commitments of each party involved with Municipal Authorities in the Chausy
Region. Canadian Aid for Chernobyl funded the reconstruction of the building for our safe house and provided the furnishings, clothing and food required. The Municipal Government is responsible for rent, taxes, staffing, all operational expenses and providing an on site family psychologist.

In 2015 Canadian Aid for Chernobyl initiated an expansion of the scope of this shelter to include children removed from their homes due to domestic violence and abuse. Instead of being left unsupported at the local hospital, these children now have a safe place to live with access to immediate counselling, care, and attention in a safe comfortable environment.