“Water is Life” Initiative

As usual here in Belarus, we are playing the “hurry up and wait” game. We cannot deliver the food and family parcels until they are released from Customs bond. But there is lots to do so we are kept busy preparing for other activities like our upcoming birthday party for the children of the orphanage as well as one for the “Families of Invalid” children (AKA the “Day of the Angel” Party). We also have several other projects on the go. We are renovating the bathroon of a small apartment for a single Mom as well as providing water to 6 families, 4 while we are here and 2 after we depart.

Today we started on the water for the first family. The well drillers were at their home first thing this morning and were finishing up early this evening. The family includes a Mom & Dad, an older daughter with a 2 month old baby and three younger daughters. Here is a picture of all but the oldest daughter and her child.

Unlike Eastern Ontario where we have to drill through solid bedrock, here the soil is very sandy with some clay. As a result

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