Monthly Archives: April 2017

Boxes, Blankets and Babushka

Today was spent with the Canadians, interpreters and drivers loading trucks, vans and cars and delivering food and family parcels in and around the region.  We have made a big dent in the gym and we will continue to deliver all week.  I spent my day in the gym, helping sort boxes and organising the deliveries.

Again this year the Chernobyl Quilters, led by Mary Bernard, made over 100 beautiful hand-made quilts and we have the pleasure of presenting them to children and families in need. Since I was in the gym I was able to meet many of the families that live in Chausy and are able to pick up their parcels, which gave me an opportunity to deliver some of the quilts.

Here a mom poses with her daughter who picked out a brightly coloured quilt.

This little fellow was very excited to pick out a quilt with Continue reading