Monthly Archives: July 2013

Our Summer Children have Arrived!

Our Summer “relief from radiation” program is now officially underway!  After a very long 27 hour journey, that started at 11:00 PM Sunday in Belarus, our 18 children and 2 interpreters arrived safely in Brockville.  We have 14 families hosting 12 girls and 6 boys of which 5 are first time visitors to Canada.  Although very tired, the returning children were excited to be reunited with their host families.  The new children had the opportunity to meet their hosts as well as ask and answer questions through one of the interpreters before heading off for some food and rest.

This is the Hunt family from Mallorytown who are hosting 12 year old Karyna (far right) for the 4th summer and 7 year old Dasha (in ball cap) for her first trip!


Our visitors will be here for the next 5 weeks re-energizing their immune systems with Continue reading