26th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster

Twenty six years ago today the meltdown at the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor released a radioactive cloud, 70% of the fallout landed in the Republic of Belarus.

Although most of the world has forgotten, we at Canadian Aid for Chernobyl are proud to be one of the few organizations still working to help the victims of this devastating accident.  Since 1998 we have delivered more than $29 million in aid, much of it in sustainable initiatives benefiting; orphans, hospital and orphanage reconstruction, disabled children and adults and delivering food at a critical time to impoverished families and seniors.  Most importantly we have provided respite from the radiation for over 600 children, hosted in loving homes in the Brockville region.  The Children’s Relief & Recuperation Program is the basis of our organization and we are proud to have rejuvenated this program this year, more than doubling our hosted children from last summer with plans to grow again for the summer of 2013.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you, our supporters, without you none of this would be possible.  We are a grass roots organization that is 100% volunteer driven and we rely on the donations of individuals and businesses to continue “Providing Hope to … a Nation … a Village … a Child!”.  Together, we really are making a difference.

Eric McKenzie – On behalf of the Board of Directors of Canadian Aid for Chernobyl

Here is a picture of last years children at the end of their summer visit:

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