Today was a quiet day while we waited for permission to deliver. The delegates did a variety of things which included visiting with family, shopping and banking to change money. A few of us went to Mogilev to take a few computers from the orphanage to the computer store for repairs or parts.
We had been having problems with sparks popping out of the fireplace in the Malcomson House for Family Living and we were unable to find a fireplace screen as open hearth fireplaces are pretty much non-existent around here. We explained what we were looking for and one of our drivers went home and made one for us. He also made us a poker for the fire as well.
Here is a correction to last nights post, I discussed this with several of our drivers and interpreters and since the drop in the value of the Ruble average income in this area is anywhere from $80 – $400 U.S. dollars per month. Today we stopped at a supermarket in Mogilev and I snapped some pictures of some of the products and prices. Here is a litre of milk for $0.75 Cdn.
Four packs of individual yoghurt cups were $0.42 Cdn (10 cents each).
Oranges are $1.37/kg, 1 litre of sunflower oil is $1.69, 10 eggs are $1.29 (that is $1.55 a dozen) and half a chicken (with skin and bones) is $3.88/kg. There are also a few things you won’t see in Canada … here is a tank of fresh carp for $4.00/kg:
and this is a variety of dried fish ranging from $5.49 to $10.58 per kilogram.
We ended our day with a delegates meeting to discuss our plans for the next few days. The good news is that we now have permission to start delivering our boxes so it is “full steam ahead” starting tomorrow. We have 5 teams set-up to start delivering the food boxes to impoverished families and seniors with the aid of the local Social Services department.
With a warehouse full of boxes it is going to be a busy time with lot’s to report, so please tune in!
Eric McKenzie
Hi to All
Keep up the good work, hope the weather is co-operative. Give a BIG hug to Ira S.
cheers to all
Its nice to see that you are there and ready to go with the deliveries. Wish I was able to be there.