Daily Archives: November 19, 2008

2008 AGM – Tom Shaw Steps Down After Eight Years as President

At tonight’s Annual General Meeting, Tom Shaw stepped down after 8 years as President.  Tom felt it was time for a change in leadership to allow the organization to continue to grow and develop.  Dave Shaw, Director of Humanitarian and Medical Aid, and Tom’s brother,  praised Tom for his dedication, hard work and most of all his focus to ensure that all decisions made by the board were based on “what is best for the children”!  It is Tom’s dedication to this single goal that has helped lead to the tremendous success of the organizations programs.  Tom will continue to serve on the board as Past President allowing them to draw on his experience and guidance.  Tom was presented with a beautiful framed print of a picture taken by professional photographer Michelle Valberg during the 2006 humanitarian aid mission.  Here is Tom accepting the picture from Dave:

The AGM also featured reports from each of the directors as well as a multi-media presentation from both Dave Shaw (Humanitarian Aid) and Neil Matheson (Guardian Angel Program) highlighting the accomplishments of the past year as well as a look at some of the upcoming initiatives.

Elections were held and the new board of directors can be found by clicking here.  There was an excellent turn-out and we currently have 9 new host families for summer 2009.  If anyone is interested in hosting next summer, please contact Rhona Dixon at 613-342-2709 or by e-mail by clicking here.

Eric McKenzie