Last school year, St Lawrence Academy, with a student population of 47, raised $2,600 through their Read-a-thon program to raise funds for our “Building Libraries Through Literacy” program. That money along, with $1,175 from Vanier Public School, was used to build a wonderful “Reading Room” at School #1 in Chausy, Belarus.
The project was coordinated by our own Riley Shaw (a teacher at SLA) and executed in Belarus by Anya Belabueva with help from our delegation when they arrived. We just recently received a bunch of pictures from one of the teachers in the school letting us know how much it is appreciated and utilized.
“Our students, especially elementary school, teachers and school authorities are very happy to have such an advantage at school #1 as the Reading Room. Kids love being there having access to great colourful books. And they enjoy many other things there: all kinds of extra- class activities are held in the lounge. A HUGE thanks to YOU (Riley) and all of the people involved!”
A wonderful project making a difference to the children in this community!
Eric McKenzie
Wow – what a fabulous initiative!! Books, and support for reading them, are SO important for all children!! Mega-congrats to Riley, Anya and the delegates – you are doing an amazing job !!