Summer Sisters Say So Long!

Where does the time go?  It seems like the children just arrived and already we are saying goodbye.  Our group of children, here for 5 weeks of “respite from radiation“, are on their way home.  For these two “summer sisters” it was time for some last minute hugging before letting go.


Of course there were a lot of sad hearts and more than just a few tears as well.  It is hard to say goodbye especially for those who have been hosted more than once!


All in all it was a great summer and our host children and host families all seemed to really enjoy themselves.  Most importantly all of the children got a much needed boost to their immune systems from 5 weeks of fresh air, fruits and veggies and a break from the radiation that they live in every day.

Here is our happy and healthy group just prior to departure.


And the host families wave until the bus is out of sight!


Interested in hosting next year?  Just let us know, there are lots more kids where those came from!

Eric McKenzie