Waiting … Around Chausy!

Not much happened today while they are waiting for materials and for the container to arrive with the Poultry Barn.  It holds the forms and re-bar needed to pour the cement for the barn floor.   So Margaret takes us on a bit of a tour of the village.

Margaret’s Blog – Tuesday March 22, 2011

Tuesday was another quiet day.  We spent a full hour completing our registration at the police station.  Yesterday, we had paid for our registration at the bank. (Part of the bureaucracy of Belarus requires registering with the local authorities in the region that you are staying. EMcK)

It was -1 Celsius this morning and it had snowed through the night.  Murray, David and I walked to the Orphanage.

You can see the Orphanage smoke stack in the background.  It is a pleasant walk and we meet many people.  As the day reached the high of +4, it still felt damp.  We checked out the area where the new greenhouse will go.

There is still too much snow to worry about preparing the ground now.  Work continued moving the cement piers at the Orphanage.  There is now even more mud.  We walked home together and discovered a new way home through the field.  Most people in Chausy walk so there are many trails off the road.

David and I live with a widow and her brother.  They are planning to divide the current house into 2 sections – one for each of them.  This is very common here.

This will be the new kitchen and will have running water.  The current lean-to will be removed, which is where the brother sleeps now.

Margaret is standing beside the new roof materials.  The green structure is the current outhouse.

The sun came out at 6pm tonight.  We’re hoping for a sunny day tomorrow.

Margaret Campbell

1 thought on “Waiting … Around Chausy!

  1. Michael Kaye

    Thinking of you each day as we follow your posts. Hoping the port will clear soon. Storm 10-20cm of snow in southwestern Ontario last night and today.

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