I was recently interviewed by Lina Gavrilova from Radio Canada International who contacted me today to let me know that the story had aired today. She also sent me an mp3 copy of the interview which I will include here. Lina not only spoke with me, but also with Tracy Yuille (one of our host parents), Svetlana Simenova (from our partner organization, Hope for the Future, in Belarus and even to one of our host children, Kristina Barsukova! She was very thorough and got the story right. I felt it important to share this with all of you as it really does cover all aspects of the situation. (click on the play button to listen)
[qt:/home/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/RCI_Lina_Gavrilova_Belarus_children_July_2_09.mp3 320]
Here is a picture of Kristina and me at her home in Belarus taken this past spring.
Yes, we really miss her at our house this summer!
Eric McKenzie