Margaret & David Campbell of Ridgetown, Ontario have been instrumental in the development of an agricultural program at the Chausy Orphanage. They raised funds to help purchase a tractor two years ago and have also supplied various attachments and tools. David has visited twice per year to help with both the preparation for planting and the harvesting. Today the tractor was put to use to prepare a site for a greenhouse that was purchased by the Ridgetown community and shipped through CAC.
Here are Margaret and David near the site of the new greenhouse. They are laughing because I took this picture as Margaret was helping to staunch the bloodflow from Davids head!
David is completely fine but he managed to get a small cut on his head from a piece of the metal framing. Although the cut was tiny it bled like crazy from his scalp.
In the next picture Canadian Randy Colpitts helps measure out the sides for the metal supports.
A lot of time was spent ensuring the building would be square and level. After that the rest went relatively quickly. Although the plans called for double doors at one end, it was determined that it would be preferred to put a single door at each end in order to allow the air to circulate through when the weather is warm. Here the plans are pulled out to determine if there were enough pieces for this modification.
The main classroom building is “U” shaped and the greenhouse is situated inside the “U” with an East – West orientation. Here the doorframe is being attached.
This picture gives you an idea of it’s location and size. We are hoping to have it completed on Monday.
This is a great addition to the school program as it will allow them to get an earlier start on vegetables as well as possibly growing some that require a slightly longer growing season. The long term plan is to try to make the orphanage self sufficient, so that the money allocated for food can be re-directed to maintain and expand the other programs.
The Campbells and the Ridgetown community have truly made, and continue to make, a huge difference in the quality of life at the orphanage as well as give many of these children training to help them in their own home gardens or even in future careers.
Eric McKenzie
i cannot seem to come up with another word to express my continued amazement at the wonderful and thought out “giving spirit” of everyone involved.
looks like a good old-fashioned “barn raising”!
Margaret & David have done so much work for the Orphanage (and others) The town of Ridgetown has been so supportive because of David & Margarets continuing work for this worthy & needed cause. Great Job once again. Well Done!!
What an awesome project, congratualtions.. keep up the good work
glad to see i’m not the only one who bleeds alot from head cuts!