Best Clothes, Beds & Books

We had a bit of a mixed bag today.  While we continued to have people stop in to pick up parcels as well as deliver many more, we also did some more organizing and preparing for the next few days.  Our Firefighter volunteers stopped in on their way to Mogilev to meet with the head of the provincial fire departments.  They dressed for the occasion and presented me with a perfect photo op!

From left to right, Kenny Sine, Tim Lidlow, Jann Smith (CAC Board Member), Jeff Snider and Paul Asmis.  These guys are doing an amazing job developing contacts and making friends within the fire fighting community here.

Today while a family was in picking up their packages, Rhona Dixon noticed that the two children needed new coats.  She had packed a few in her suitcase and pulled them out for a fitting.  Judging by the smiles they seemed to fit the bill.  Here she is with the two kids and Marina Ladyjhenko, one of our interpreters.

In preparation for a delivery on Wednesday to a family with 32 children (yes, some are adopted) we assembled 10 beds that had been purchased from an orphanage in Northern Belarus.  The Chausy Orphanage let us use a room and their tools to get the job done.  Here, Dan McKenzie and Jon Schuler are helped by Vitalli, one of the children at the orphanage.  He and another boy, Pasha, were a big help not only building them but also loading the truck when we were finished.

Four public schools back home have raised funds through a reading program to buy books for four orphanages.  The books have been purchased in Minsk and several of the delegates spent a couple of hours sticking book plates in the front covers.  The book plates have both the Canadian and Belarussian flags, a message which says “Together we grow in friendship and knowledge” in both English and Russian, as well as the name of the school that raised the funds.  The four schools are: Lyn Public School, Front of Yonge, Commonwealth PS and Maple Ridge PS.

Here Riley Shaw and Jon Schuler finish packing the books back in the boxes after the book plates have been inserted.

Tomorrow morning is the Day of the Angel party.  This is a real treat for both the children and the delegates, so check back for an update and pictures!

Eric McKenzie

3 thoughts on “Best Clothes, Beds & Books

  1. Eric McKenzie Post author

    The book program is a wonderful program, because not only do the Canadian children benefit from the act of giving, but often the reading challenge develops a real love of reading in these children as well. This is a real win-win-win situation! Thanks for the support!

  2. Mary Nysten

    I know several of the students at Maple Ridge who were very enthusiastic about the project to help raise funds to buy books for the students in Belarus. I’ll be sure to tell them about your message, Eric.

  3. Cally

    I loved the book idea.What a wonderful, tangible, useful, long lasting thing to do with monies raised by reading. You people are absolutely amazing! Talk about Win-Win!! Your creativity has no bounds! C

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