Monthly Archives: August 2008

CAC Website Update Includes Blog

We have been working on updating the look and feel of our website and it is now ready to go. One of the main features is the incorporation of my blog into the CAC site. From now on all news items as well as humanitarian delivery posts will appear on the new CAC Blog. It can be found on the right side of the new webpage and includes all past posts back to and including my video posts from the 2006 delivery. Now all things “CAC” are in one convenient place! If you had previously subscribed to my blog ( “Belarus – After Chernobyl”, you have been automatically subscribed to the new one as well. If you would like to subscribe and receive all updates, news items and posts in your e-mail then simply click to subscribe on the right side of the page, or send me an e-mail and I will be happy to do it for you. If you had previously “bookmarked” either of the sites, please re-do your bookmark now.

Please take a few moments to browse through the site and feel free to send me your comments and suggestions. We will continue to update the information on all of the programs and of course I will post blogs whenever we have something newsworthy.


Eric McKenzie
Director of Communications
Canadian Aid for Chernobyl