Daily Archives: April 10, 2007

Homeward Bound

Well a 2 hour flight will take you a long way from Chausy! Here I am sitting in the Vienna Airport with a free high-speed wireless connection posting in real time … pretty cool.

Yesterday before leaving we had one last stop at the Chausy Orphanage and Jonathan & I took a walk around the grounds. We found some of the kids working on removing a stump from an orchard that they are converting to tillable land.


Some other boys nearby were working on one that wasn’t even cut down yet!


We were given a last chance to say goodbye to the children and it was an absolute swarm! They all came running for hugs and to hang on. It was a really nice way to say goodbye, but it made it hard to leave.



A reporter from a local newspaper came by and took a picture of the delegation as well as some of the children in front of the new tractor.


Well my battery died so I am crouched under the edge of a bar with my laptop plugged in behind a phone booth! Hmmm … I didn’t have these kind of pressures in Chausy! Better run and catch my flight … see you on the other side.
