Children with disabilities or special needs are considered “invalid” in Belarus and little government support is provided. Most often, the families of these children cannot afford even the most basic necessities. A juvenile diabetic or child with poor vision is classified as “an invalid” and the chance for normal life is highly unlikely. Since 2004 Canadian Aid for Chernobyl has partnered with the Rotary Clubs of Brockville and individuals to establish an on-going fund for addressing special needs for “invalid” children. This instantly and dramatically changes their lives, providing future opportunities for children and their families. Since 1999, our membership of registered families with a disabled child has grown from 2 to 155.
Canadian Aid for Chernobyl has initiated a movement for the physically and mentally challenged and orphans to be accepted into society. In September 2012, Canadian Aid for Chernobyl opened a “Social Workshop” for the disabled in the center of Chausy. This workshop is fully sponsored by Canadian Aid for Chernobyl through the generosity of our
supporters. .