Category Archives: New Initiatives

2012 Initiatives

This year we are presenting our list of initiatives for 2012 earlier than usual.  We have a lot of amazing programs underway and want to get an early start on the fund raising.  One of my personal favourites is what is happening at the Chausy Orphanage, we are really saving lives and making a difference here, but you can read more about it below.  Remember we are 100% volunteer driven and virtually all of your donations go to the initiative that YOU direct it to!  No rented offices or paid employees here, just all of your money getting to where it needs to go and everything is hand delivered by our Canadian delegation!  So read on and select where you want to help.

Eric McKenzie on behalf of

Dave Shaw – Director of Humanitarian Aid



CAC will limit our aid shipment to 3 transport containers of aid this spring. The containers will consist of food and parcels for a targeted 800 families including seniors on small pensions and impoverished families and families with disabled children. In addition, we hope to raise enough funds for hygiene products for impoverished families, orphans, abused / neglected children, disabled children and adults. Also 1200 shoes boxes for seniors, hand made quilts, some clothing and annual donations of hygiene products  and supplies for orphanages.

$20,700   (Overseas and inland shipping)

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