Category Archives: 2010 Delivery Prep

Grocery Packing Sets a New Record!

What a great night!  A small army of volunteers set a record by packing 750 food boxes in 75 minutes … that’s only 6 seconds per box!  We had the assembly line set up and ready to go before the volunteers arrived:


Volunteers included many members of the local Rotary Clubs, students from Fulford academy and BCI as well as Canadian Aid for Chernobyl members. and friends.


Here some of the Rotarians get the boxes started on there way down the line.


Here is what 750 food boxes look like!


We got them packed, now we need you to buy them!  These boxes will be hand delivered by members of Canadian Aid for Chernobyl to seniors on minimal pensions, single mothers or families on social assistance and families with invalid children.  They will be delivered in early spring when their preserves are depleted and these staples badly needed.  Currently we have less than 300 boxes sold so there are plenty available and we need to sell them soon!  A mere $50 will pay for one of these boxes and help someone in dire need.  There are many ways to make this donation (and you will receive a tax receipt) you can click on the “Donate Now” button on the right side of your screen, click on the “What Can You Do?” link on the left side or drop into Alan Browns Men’s Wear in downtown Brockville and personally hand Dave a cheque.  We will also be at the warehouse (East end of the Shorewood Packaging building at 1291 California Ave.) from 10 Am – 4 PM Saturday Feb 13 and Sunday Feb 14 if you want to drop in and buy your food boxes there.

Thanks for your support and thanks to all of our amazing volunteers!

Eric McKenzie