Category Archives: 2010 Children in Canada

From Belarus to Brockville – The Kids are Back!

The day seemed to take forever to arrive, but last night at 11:30 the children landed in Ottawa!  It was wonderful to see them coming down the escalator, so wonderful that I forgot to get a picture as they smiled and waved to us.  Here is one with the tired kids watching the conveyor belt for their luggage.  Just like the “watched pot” a watched conveyor never seems to deliver the right suitcase!

The good news is that the trip went right on schedule with no delays and no lost luggage … it may be a first.  We loaded the children up into a series of mini-vans and headed for Brockville where the host families were anxiously waiting.  No one seemed to mind that it was the middle of the night.  Here Vika, who now lives and works in Canada, is reunited with her little sister Vlada.  Can you detect a slight family resemblance?

Some of the families have hosted for many years, here Pat & Tracy Yuille greet Ira who has been coming to their home for 7 years.

Of course we have new host families as well.  Here the Arts family spends some time getting to know Hanna with the help of one of our interpreters, Marina.

Despite the heat it looks like it is going to be a great summer!

Eric McKenzie