Category Archives: 2008 General

General posts and news items from 2008

And the Auction Winners are … the Children!

$1,000 Subsidy for Every Child!

With the huge success of Canadian Aid for Chernobyl’s summer Gala Dinner/Auction, the Board of Directors has announced that the funds will be used to lower the cost of bringing a child for the summer of 2009.  Approved applications for the first 20 returning children and the first 17 new children will be credited with $1,000 each towards the travel costs, which last year were approximately $2,000.  This, along with other fund raising opportunities allows all host families the ability to raise 100% of the cost to bring a child.

With our children’s program numbers dwindling to an all time low of 20 children in 2008 it was felt that something had to be done to revitalize the program.  The generosity of individuals, businesses and corporations in the community, through this auction, has given us the ability to make hosting a child more affordable.  Most importantly it is the children who will directly benefit from every dollar raised!

If you are planning to bring a child next summer (returning or new), get your application in soon,  or if you know someone who has been considering hosting, please pass this message on to them.  We would love nothing more than to see 37 smiling children arriving here next summer.  All forms and applications are available by clicking here or on the “Forms” link on the left side of this page.  Please return them to Rhona Dixon (613.342.2709) as soon as possible, the deadline is November 19th!

Thanks to everyone who helped or participated, this is a success to celebrate!

Eric McKenzie

PS:  Here are a few motivational pictures: