Category Archives: 2008 Delivery

Blog posts from the spring 2008 aid delivery

Hockey Game & Chausy Concert

Today was a huge day in the fun factory! We shut down the entire Chausy Orphanage and took all of the kids by bus to the Ice Palace in Mogelev for Hockey and skating. Here are the kids outside waiting to leave:

Getting Ready

The children loaded onto 3 buses and drove the 40 minutes to Mogelev with a police escort. Here they are arriving in Mogelev:

Buses arrive

It was the annual Canadians vs the Belarussians game and the Canadians looked to be in fine form with some new young blood:


For the first time during the spring game we had girls on the team (Ellen Wallace played last fall), we even had the Orphanage Director (Vitalli) helping out too. Here are Mary and Rhona suited up:

The Girls

After a hard fought game we managed to end up in a 7 – 7 tie! Afterwards we had an hour of free skating and the kids had a ball! They dragged us around the ice shouting “GO … GO” or “d’VY .. d’VY” in Russian!


After the kids enjoyed pop, chips and chocolate bars we headed back to the orphanage for a concert. There was music, dancing and a short play. A very funny version of “Little Red Riding Hood” in English! After the concert we mingled with the kids and gave out candies, Canadian pencils and stickers. Everyone had a wonderful time and the concert was fantastic! I have a lot of video of the concert that I hope to share after I get home. Here are some pictures from after the concert:




After the concert the Canadians were treated to dinner at the orphanage and Vitalli thanks us for all of the help we have given the orphanage and it’s children. Here is Vitalli making a toast and Natasha interpreting:

Vitalli and Natasha
