The ideas behind this logo have a few meanings. For one, there is the flower in the centre of the logo, and the floral design has, in itself, a double meaning. First, the black heart of the logo is reminiscent of the tragedy that occurred not so long ago on the Belarusian homeland soil. The threat of death and fear of the impending and past disasters, as well as the great devastation, are well represented by the dark colour.
Second, the flower is a symbol of children and of hope, growth and idealism. There are bright petals underneath the dark, waiting to emerge. The life in red, yellow, green, blue and violet are imitations of childhood and innocence. They surround the black, waiting for a chance at life and a happier future for these people.
The circle surrounding the flower is a red ring with two maple leaves. The colour and the leaves are symbolic of Canadian pride. They are around the flower to symbolize Canadian concern for the victoms of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. The simple symbols of red and white mean as much to the Canadians involved as those they are helping.
Bringing Hope:
Within this emblem lies the hope of these people, that the coming years will be brighter, that life does continue and that there are prospects for the years ahead, like the flower’s growth around the somber blossom. It is the hope of Canadian Aid for Chernobyl that the darkened petals will be overpowered by the lightened ones. Though the memories of the trials will never vanish, the harm they inflicted can be eliminated, creating a better life.
The black and silent cluster in the centre represents the three countries of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia; and those who have suffered from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.