Donations from Ridgetown Arrive!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Today we had a truckload of donations from our good friends in Ridgetown, Ontario arrive.  Margaret and David Campbell have been collecting donations and David’s brother Paul hauled it down in his truck.  Thanks to all of them for their great work on our behalf!  Here are a few of our volunteers hard at work.

Mary Cleary totes a box out of the almost empty truck.


Annis Moreau, Lisa Axworthy and Rhona Dixon are having way too much fun in this photo:


Murray Ferguson managed to get some of our volunteers to prepare the banana boxes he has been collecting for the food box packing coming up in February.


Stay tuned as we will be posting our spring initiatives soon as well as updates from our ongoing initiatives.

Eric McKenzie

PS:  just after I posted this Margaret Campbell sent me a great picture of the gang in Ridgetown who helped to collect and load the donations so I am adding it here … thanks to all of you!


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