Brockville is a Great Community!

It is days like today that really bring home the kind of spirit that exists in our community.  In just a couple of hours we packed 600 boxes of food destined for impoverished families and seniors living in an area of Belarus still impacted by the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.  A large portion of the group was made up of Rotary Club members from both Brockville groups as well as some from the Prescott club.  Here are some of those Rotarians at the start of the assembly line putting in the flour:


Here Rotarian Chris Izatt and his son Chad are adding coffee.  Both Chris and Chad will be first time delegates this spring.  Chad and some fellow musicians have a very exciting initiative to help expand the music program at the Chausy Orphanage.  They are bringing guitars and drums and will be teaching some of the kids.


Mike McEachern and his daughter Brittany are seen in this next picture adding tea to the boxes.  This spring will be Mike’s 3rd trip to Belarus and Brittany’s first.  Brittany is also involved in a great project at the  Chausy Orphanage.  She is collecting prom dresses and suits to take to the Orphanage so the graduates can have a selection to choose from and really get dressed up for their graduation.  In the past they have not had the opportunity to do what most of us would take for granted and get really decked out!  This is an amazing way to help build self esteem and really make graduation a special time for these great kids.  If you have a prom dress or suit, let us know and we can connect you with Brittany!


If you would like to donate one of these boxes to help a family in Belarus just click on the “Donate Now” button on the right of the page or drop into Alan Brown’s Clothiers in Downtown Brockville.  You could also stop by the former Recorder & Times building at 1600 California avenue this Saturday and Sunday (Feb 9 & 10) between 10 AM and 4 PM as we will be there accepting parcels from families in Brockville going to families in Belarus!

Of course while our group was busy packing boxes, Rhona Dixon and Annis Moreau were in the next room trying to finish up what they (and many others) have been working on for months.  They are sorting donated clothes to go in the shipment.  As you can see they are surrounded by a sea of boxes.  Time is running out as the containers will be leaving in a few weeks so the pressure is on!


As hectic as it is in these last few weeks before we load and ship the containers it all seems to be coming together really well.  Thanks to everyone who came out and helped and thanks to everyone in this community who has helped us in any way … together we really are making a difference!

Eric McKenzie