Monthly Archives: March 2011

Waiting … Around Chausy!

Not much happened today while they are waiting for materials and for the container to arrive with the Poultry Barn.  It holds the forms and re-bar needed to pour the cement for the barn floor.   So Margaret takes us on a bit of a tour of the village.

Margaret’s Blog – Tuesday March 22, 2011

Tuesday was another quiet day.  We spent a full hour completing our registration at the police station.  Yesterday, we had paid for our registration at the bank. (Part of the bureaucracy of Belarus requires registering with the local authorities in the region that you are staying. EMcK)

It was -1 Celsius this morning and it had snowed through the night.  Murray, David and I walked to the Orphanage.

You can see the Orphanage smoke stack in the background.  It is a pleasant walk and Continue reading