So much has happened in the past few months preparing for this trip to Belarus, but unfortunately I have not had time to post any blogs about it! Most of the delegation will be heading over later this week, but in the meantime we already have a few people on the ground. Dave Shaw is busily trying to make arrangements for the containers to be delivered on time and that has been a challenge in itself! The ice is still in at the Port of Riga in Latvia which has delayed the first container by at least 1 week. This container has the disassembled poultry barn in it for the Chausy Orphanage. This is what it looked like after it was built in the warehouse in Brockville:
We also have David & Margaret Campbell of Ridgetown, ON over there. They are heading up the agricultural program at the orphanage and have agreed to take on the construction of the barn. With them is Murray Ferguson of Brockville, a longtime delegate with some construction experience who will be assisting David in getting this barn built square and level. Margaret volunteered to e-mail me pictures and updates until I arrive to post the blogs in person. So without further delay, here is Margaret’s first blog:
Margaret’s Blog – Sunday March 20, 2011
We started our day with a 9 am meeting at the Orphanage. Vitali, Murray, David and Margaret met to review the plans for the chicken barn. Our wonderful interpreter, Natasha, bridged the communication gap. Everyone had their own plan and it took a bit of skill to get everyone to agree to a common approach.
Pictured L to R – David Campbell, Orphanage Director Vitalli, Murray Ferguson and Natasha Gurinovich our interpreter
In preparation, David and Murray measured the site. This site had been insulated by snow throughout the winter. There still is a bit of frost in the ground.
Several children from the Orphanage came to help. They were eager to shovel the dirt. The temperature was +2 and we had lots of mud.
The foundation will be built on a bed of gravel. Gravel is difficult to find in Chausy so this will be tomorrow’s challenge.
Margaret Campbell
David & Murray… not to worry, help is on the way!!!!! Cathy & I leave tomorrow (march 23rd) & I am sure you just need 2 more women to get it all sorted out lol Now Paul, I have the greatest confidence in your brother. Oh yeah he slept you drove all those trips to Brockville (or was that Margaret?) I guarantee the weather will get better, the mud will dry up and Margaret hang in there baby!! Can’t wait to see everyone on the other side. The finale of this project will definitely be a memorable moment!!!!
Once again, i am awed by your dedication and coordination of all that is to happen.
The kids will be very excited about this project! Good luck!
Have a great trip … and a big hug to Christina!
Murray & David, I got my suitcase out and am starting to pack today. Tracy’s getting anxious to go to Ottawa and get started on our trek. Leave “a little mud” for me when I get there. It’s all numbered so hopefully the three off us put together can remember the pattern and get the “Super Coupe” up and standing. Good luck with the gravel – hope it’s not too difficult to track down, and hope the pour goes well on top of that. Be with you soon. Pat.
I hope David measures right and Murray puts the stake in the right spot!!!!