Monthly Archives: August 2010

In the Blink of an Eye …

Although it feels like just yesterday that the children arrived, in the blink of an eye the 6 weeks have gone!  Tuesday morning our host families met to say goodbye to our “summer children”.  Although the sun was beating down on the parking lot and there wasn’t a breath of air, no one seemed to be too hot to hold on tight or to prolong that hug just a little longer.

It is bitter-sweet for the children, as they say goodbye they are also starting the journey home to family and friends.

Although it seemed too short, it was still a great summer with lot’s of memories and good times.  Of course the children not only take home memories but most importantly a boost to their immune system and a break from the radiation that they live in back home.

If you are interested in helping these children, please click here for more information.

Eric McKenzie