I had the pleasure today of being presented with 150 handmade quilts for the children in various orphanages. These quilts are each handmade, individual works of art. This group of quilters meets every Monday afternoon at the Brockville Public Libraray to plan and create them. This batch will bring the total delivered over the past few years to over 750! An unbelievable feat by any standards. They are led in this endeavour by Mary Bernard, seen in the picture below holding one of the quilts:
They have added a small pocket to each quilt this year which contains a small hand knit doll.
Here is a group of the quilters who were in attendance today for the presentation:
The quilts are of every colour and pattern imaginable:
These quilts are handed out to children in the orphanages that we work in. Since the children are in orphanages they have very few personal items, and this is a gift that they will treasure for the rest of their lives. Here is a picture of 4 girls from the Chausy Orphanage having just received their new quilts:
Each quilt has a small tag sewn on the back, written in Russian explaining that the quilt was made “especially for you”! A gift to last a lifetime!
Eric McKenzie