Daily Archives: January 10, 2009

Ridgetown Arrives!

Our good friends from Ridgetown Ontario arrived in Brockville this morning with a tractor trailer loaded with with goods to go to Belarus.  Thankfully we had a lot of volunteers to help and the work went quickly!  Thanks to all of you … you know who you are!

Here are Margaret and David Campbell of Ridgetown organizing a few of the boxes they brought:

Included in the shipment were may boxes of clothing, wheelchairs, bicycles and some agricultural equipment for the Chausy Orphanage.  Here is the group unloading the clothing boxes at the sorting centre:

Here is a bin full of tools for the orphanage coming off at the Shorewood Warehouse which has been donated until the containers leave in February:

A very big thanks goes to David Campbell’s brother Paul, who donated his time and his truck again this year to make the 1,200 kilometer round trip.  Here is Paul Campbell with his rig:

Preparation for this years trip is well under way, but there is a lot more to do before the containers leave in late February, so stay tuned!

Eric McKenzie