2009 Initiatives Now Set. We Need Your Help!

The final initiatives are set for the 2009 March/April humanitarian mission to Belarus. This is going to be an exciting year for CAC, the delegation and all of you who help us realize these goals. Dave Shaw has spent considerable time and energy in consultation with many people in Belarus to develop these programs and of course it will be the children in need who really benefit! Without further adieu, here is Dave’s list along with the amounts that we need to raise to achieve each goal.


CAC will be shipping 4 – 6 transport containers of aid this spring initiative. This aid will be distributed to more than 3,000 seniors and impoverished citizens, orphans, abused / neglected children, disabled children and adults.

*Number of humanitarian containers depends on fundraising NOT product availability.

Our costs are not confirmed yet but will come between $5,000 – $6,000 USD per container.

Amount needed = $36,000

4 Fire trucks

It is with great anticipation and enthusiasm that we prepare 4 fire trucks for delivery to the City of Mogilev Fire Departments. These trucks were generously donated to CAC by the City of Kingston Fire Dept.

They are currently being inspected and repaired to be mechanically sound for road safety and the pumps repaired and repacked to meet Canadian standards.

CAC wants to ensure that the 4 Fire trucks that will be presented to the City of Mogilev are fully equipped and 100% dependable under emergency situations.

Repairs, tires, batteries etc $10,000
Shipping (approx) $40,000

Amount needed = $50,000

Chausy Orphanage Initiatives:

16 Additional New Beds, Mattresses, Night Tables and 5 Wardrobes.

CAC made a commitment in 2008 to provide 100 new pine beds, mattresses, 100 night tables and 50 wardrobes. This was successfully done in Spring 08.
In September, CAC has negotiated an agreement with the Mogilev Regional Department of Education to provide the material necessities required to expand or reconstruct the Chausy Orphanage dormitory to accommodate the graduating children to remain living in the orphanage after grade 9. These kids will live, sleep and enjoy all the extra programs and equipment that are now available within orphanage, but will attend the local public school for the completion of grades 10 and 11. This will help dramatically reduce to high rate of pregnancies, crimes and suicides that is common after departure from their orphanage home and relocation of continued studies or trades. This is a satellite project not currently offered within the Republic.

Amount needed = $5,000

New Bedroom Furniture Purchased in 2008

New Bedroom Furniture Purchased in 2008

Preparatory Home for Family Living

In September 2008, CAC initiated an agreement between the Department of Education, the Chausy Orphanage, the Department of Humanitarian Aid and CAC to construct a house on the orphanage property. This “home” will provide the opportunity for orphaned and abused children to experience family life and develop skills in family structure and environment. They will learn to prepare meals, care for a home, do their laundry and enjoy life as a family. The house will sleep 5 students and one supervisor. The kids will prepare a kitchen garden each spring for food supplement and to preserve for winter. It will be also used as an incentive for kids to earn a weekend with their friends for good behavior, excelling in their studies and /or contributions to daily chores within the orphanage.

Currently these kids leave the orphanages with no life / family skills or any understanding of money management or healthy family environment.

Total price including furnishings is $50,000
Donation from the Green’s in October $15,000

Amount needed = $35,000

Building on Orphanage Grounds to be Renovated.

Building on Orphanage Grounds to be Renovated.

Orphanage will receive a one-year supply of clothing, footwear, toilet tissue, feminine pads, bar soap, shampoo and a $1,000 emergency fund.

Urgently needed: 1,200 tubes of toothpaste

Amount needed = $2,500

Orphanage Library Books

Over the last 9 years CAC in partnership with local public schools, have provided 4 orphanages with several thousand new hard cover books for education and personal enjoyment. Once again, some schools within the Upper Canada School Board will try to raise $3,000 to purchase additional books.  Schools currently raising funds through reading are:

  • Lyn Public School – 9 years
  • Front of Yonge PS – 3 years
  • Commonwealth PS – 2 years
  • Maple Ridge PS – 1st year

This program not only benefits the children in the orphanages in Belarus, but also helps develop reading skills and a love of reading in our local children.

Amount needed = $3,000

Children at Kostukovichi Orphanage checking out new books.

Children at Kostukovichi Orphanage checking out new books.

Mogilev Orphanage for Girls

Mogilev Orphanage will receive a one-year supply of clothing, footwear, toilet tissue, feminine pads, bar soap, shampoo and a $1,000 emergency fund.

Urgently needed: 1,200 tubes of toothpaste

Amount needed = $2,500

Concert at Mogilev Orphanage for Girls

Concert at Mogilev Orphanage for Girls

Kostukovichi Orphanage Initiatives:

Kostukovichi Orphanage will receive a one-year supply of clothing, footwear, toilet tissue, feminine pads, bar soap and a $1,000 emergency fund.

Urgently needed: 1,200 tubes of toothpaste

Amount needed = $2,500

Girls receiving quilts at Kostukovichi Orphanage

Girls receiving quilts at Kostukovichi Orphanage

Guardian Angel Program

Canadian Aid for Chernobyl has once again partnered with the Rotary Clubs of Brockville and families with disabled children: providing a medical fund of $5,000 to be used for medicines, medical supplies, surgery or improvement to quality of life.
There are 125 families with invalid children registered and all will receive food, toiletries, soap, and laundry detergent. About 30 of these families now have Canadian sponsor families as well.

Rotary clubs of Brockville – Approved

Amount needed = $0

Children at "Day of the Angel" Party 2008

Children at "Day of the Angel" Party 2008

Orphan Education Program

Canadian Aid for Chernobyl currently has 50 orphan (status) students presently sponsored by Canadian families. We have decided NOT to expand this program (to accept additional students at this time) but focus on improving the quality of life, living conditions and communications of the 50 students registered at this time.

Amount needed (additional) = $10,000

Orphan Education Graduate

Orphan Education Graduate

Food Boxes

Canadian Aid for Chernobyl has launched our 8th annual food box drive; providing 65lbs of staple food products to seniors on minimal pensions, single mothers or families on social assistance, families with invalid children. Last year, we hand delivered 640 food boxes and 1,280 cases of Tide.

These boxes are genuinely appreciated and are delivered in early April when all preservatives are depleted.

This years goal is 650 families $32,500

Amount needed = $32,500

Senior receiving food box 2008

Senior receiving food box 2008

Family Boxes

In addition to the food boxes, CAC delegates will be hand delivering over 1,000 humanitarian boxes from Canadian families to families living in the contaminated regions. In the past, families throughout Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes have sent parcels through CAC for safe distribution. All Belarusian families will receive 2 cases of Tide each, compliments of P&G.  Self Funded.

Amount needed = $0

Girl in Mogilev receiving parcels from a Canadian Family

Girl in Mogilev receiving parcels from a Canadian Family

General Emergency Funds

Each year we try to have a pool of funds that are available to us for unexpected / unfortunate circumstances. Whether it is a family in despair or a child in need of medical attention or in need of different accommodations or clothing – we want to be able to act on it!

Amount needed = $7,000

Total amount needed = $186,000

As you can see these initiatives are not only exciting but are really necessities mixed with programs that will really benefit the children of this depressed region.  I know that we are starting to feel the pinch of this financial recession but it is going to hit Belarus a lot harder.  They have already seen pay cuts across the board, a 20% devaluation of their currency along with increased cost of living.  They are said to be the hardest hit country in Europe.  Remember there are plenty of ways to contribute, you can click on the “Donate Now” button on the right side of your screen, click on the “What Can You Do?” link on the left side or drop into Alan Browns Men’s Wear in downtown Brockville and personally hand Dave a cheque.  All donations over $20 will generate a tax receipt.  Our overhead is less than 3% because we are all volunteers, have no staff and hand deliver all product to the intended recipient, so virtually every dollar you donate gets to where you want it to go!

Thanks for your help!

Eric McKenzie