Daily Archives: March 30, 2008

Mogelev Family Parcels

Before I get to Sunday’s deliveries a quick post-script for Saturday. We got to make a delivery to a family that a group at Shorewood Packaging supports. They are a wonderful family and the Mom (Valentina) is amazing. Her whole life is dedicated to taking care of her daughter Yeleana. Here is a picture of Valentina, Yeleana, Alex (my son), me and Yeleana’s neice Dasha.


Before leaving we had a tour of their backyard and discovered lot’s of animals there. There were rabbits:


baby rabbits:

Baby Rabbits

Goats that are used for milk for Yeleana:


and even a couple of cages of muskrats which apparently they eat as well:


On Sunday a group of us went to Mogelev to make deliveries to families directly sponsored by families in Canada. This was a pretty long day as we started at 8 AM and didn’t get home until 8:30 PM.

I snapped this picture af a little kid outside of an apartment building, his snowsuit was so big that I am sure it was 3 times as tall as was … pretty cute though:


Here are some boxes going into an apartment:


We could see that spring was in the air as the buds are coming out on the trees and the Tulips (I think they were Tulips) were starting to sprout:


Here is another box waiting for an address confirmation (they get heavy after a while):


We came upon a piano at one of our deliveries and Pat started playing a song on it, much to the amusement of the kids:


and although the piano was out of tune and a couple of keys did not work … it sounded pretty good. Then one of the children sat down and absolutely blew us away by beautifully playing a classical piece:

Boy on Piano

This boy had been practicing!

Outside of one apartment building someone had built a little doghouse:


Even though all of the snow has melted and the weather has been very nice (sorry Canada) there are still some pretty muddy roads. One of the vans got stuck the other day and had to wait for a farm tractor to pull them out. This one isn’t stuck … but the road was muddy:

muddy road

I took this picture of a water tower because I was impressed with how elaborate it was and how colourfully it had been painted:


Outside one of the apartments there were some boys playing soccer in a parking lot. When they heard us speaking English they came over and kept saying “Hello”! I gathered them together for a picture and had them all wave and shout “Hello”!

Mogelev boys

Another one of our deliveries was to Andre Lisov who had a kidney transplant a couple of years ago courtesy of the Don & Shirley Green of Brockville. They were so happy to see us and would not let us leave until we all had a piece of cake that his Mom had baked us:

Andre Lisov

Andre is on the right leaning against the doorframe. Andre’s Mom, like so many others, has started her plants for the garden:


Back home that evening after eating dinner, Alex (my son) and Sasha (our host Dad) played their usual game of “Cows and Bulls” it is a logic game that requires nothing more than a pen and piece of paper.


When he arrived Alex only won the odd game, but a week later he is winning almost as many as he loses!
