Monthly Archives: May 2006

Michelle Valberg’s Photographic Presentation

This video post is a copy of Michelle Valberg‘s photographic presentation. Michelle is an award-winning Canadian photographer who’s work has appeared in several magazines, two self-published books (one a national bestseller) as well as hanging in 24 Sussex Drive. She has lent her talent to many charities and accompanied us on this trip to Belarus. Michelle not only created this presentation, but put together an exhibit of 30 of her photographs (now on display in her gallery) that she is donating to CAC. Her pictures are visually stunning and she manages to capture powerful emotions and feelings. Enjoy this video, but if you get the opportunity to see the originals or the original presentation in full size, please do, as this little screen with lower resolution does not give the full impact.


If you can’t see the video you need Flash Player 8, click here to get it. Reboot your computer once it is installed