Canadian Aid for Chernobyl is a nationally registered non-profit charity (BN 891430829RR0001) that solely depends upon the generousity of donations from individuals, businesses, industries and organizations to carry out the many humanitarian programs. Canadian Aid for Chernobyl provides children’s respite, humanitarian and medical aid, medical assistance and reconstruction of institutional washroom and laundry facilities benefiting thousands of victims affected by the world’s worst nuclear disaster.
We are 100% volunteer driven, allowing virtually every dollar donated to benefit the intended recipient.
Canadian Aid for Chernobyl issues official tax receipts for income tax purposes.
Mission Statement
Canadian Aid for Chernobyl is dedicated to providing humanitarian aid and medical assistance to those affected by the world’s worst nuclear disaster. Our primary focus is on the most vulnerable victims – the children – offering a healthy respite, dental and medical care in Canada to those who continue to live each day amidst the extreme radioactive pollutants.
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