Today we were working hard at finishing delivering all of the family parcels. Here a happy little girl receives a new bike from Dave Shaw.
We still had a group finishing up in the nearby city of Mogilev and a few people running out to villages. In Chausy we delivered packages to families with no way of picking them up themselves. Here, Rotarian Michelle Peters, found a little guy to give a few toys while we dropped off a box.
Many people have started planting gardens and everyone has plants started in the windows. Here few tomato plants get a little sun while waiting to be planted.
Many of the villages are very remote and this type of road is very common once you are off the beaten path.
This is the recently renovated Russian Orthodox Church in the town of Chausy.
Our delegates Jennifer and Corbin Evans, along with their family had applied to host a child this summer in our “Relief from Radiation” program. Today they made a 9 year old boy named Sergei in Chausy very happy by inviting him to Canada for 5 weeks this summer. Here is Sergei’s mother Anya, Sergei, Corbin, Jennifer along with Sergei’s Uncle and cousin. Sergei kept asking when he would be going to Canada, I think it will be a long 10 week wait!
In yesterday’s blog I introduced you Artyom and Liza, today Margaret and I returned with 3 boxes of clothing and other items to help them out as well as a bag of groceries. Elena was very surprised when she opened the door and we were back, however Artyom and Liza were grinning from ear to ear.
Elena was extremely grateful for the help and was quite emotional as she bid us “da svidanya” … good bye!
Eric McKenzie
Makes me feel so badly at the lack of basics these people have and yet they are happy even so.