There are lots of preparations under-way for our upcoming trip to Belarus and not all of them are in Brockville! About 600 kilometers west, in Ridgetown, Ontario, a group of our friends are preparing to bring a load to Brockville to be included in the containers leaving in February.
Back in 2004 CAC Director Neil Matheson spoke to a group in Ridgetown Ontario outlining our work in Belarus, and the members of the Erie Street United Church responded by starting a sock drive.
The word spread and many talented hands got busy. Since then the program has grown and many in the Ridgetown Community knit, quilt and contribute to the cause. From the baskets of socks that first year to the amazing contributions this year you can see how much the program has grown. Below are Margaret and David Campbell with the items donated that will be distributed this spring.
The variety is amazing, there are quilts and more than 100 children’s sweaters.
Margaret and David travel to Belarus each year and personally see to the distribution. The picture below shows them visiting a Day Care last year, where they provided each child with a sweater and a quilt!
David is a member of the Board and has also taken a lead role in the agriculture program that we have been developing at the Chausy Orphanage.
There will be lots more activity and the excitement is building for our delegation who will be heading over in March. Stay tuned!
Eric McKenzie