Chausy Hospital & Mogilev Orphanage for Girls – Mar 29/06 Part 2

This post continues March 29th with a tour of the Chausy Hospital and then on to Mogilev to see the Orphanage for girls. While in Mogilev we visited a department store, this was quite different from a Canadian Department store, it was on 2 levels and was more like an indoor market, with each section of the store having it’s own cash register. There was a money exchange booth there and I converted $100 U.S. to Belarussian Rubles. For every U.S. dollar I received approximately 2,160,000 Rubles, the government has dropped the last 3 zeros so it read as 2,160 rubles. This made for some interesting calculations when trying to figure out the cost of items in Canadian terms.

Back home in Chausy my dinner was ground beef wrapped in pastry and served with some ham slices and bread, cookies and chocolates for dessert. Sasha, Kristina and I played a Russian card game and watched some Russian TV while Sveta continued knitting her sweater.

Enjoy the video,


PS: In the next installment we attend a reception with the Mayor of Chausy, take a drive out to the evacuated zone and go to a party for “invalid children” and their families.

3 thoughts on “Chausy Hospital & Mogilev Orphanage for Girls – Mar 29/06 Part 2

  1. Steven Smith


    This is very well done and what’s more, it shows just how incredibly fortunate we are to live here in Canada. This should be standard viewing at all fundraising events.



  2. Jim Boone

    Eric you should really send this on to CBC this is good.I really like the way you are putting this together.You are letting everyone out there that watches this to see what it is like.I have sent this to a few people here who adopt in the summer and let them get in on this marvelous vlog.

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